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Universal Basic Income Music

Music Produced by Byron Goines and Published by Byron Goines & Meshelle Goines (B. Goines & M. Goines) / BGMG Productions – All music containing samples is licensed and a link to each license is available upon request. Email requests to

"Jesus Christ The King" Jesus Christ Supports Universal Basic Income

License for Sample Available Upon Request

“Jesus Christ The King” is a hip-hop track that teaches about the ministry of Jesus Christ, as he served “the least of these.” This song proves unequivocally that Jesus Christ would support universal basic income through his words concerning “the least of these,” as his ministry was focused on helping the least of these.” Visit for information about our proposal for $2,000 monthly United States universal basic income for all poor and middle-class United States citizens at least eighteen years of age.

“Jesus Christ The King”
Producer: Byron Goines
Lyricist: Byron Goines
Publisher: Byron Goines & Meshelle Goines / BGMG Productions

"A Least of These Economic System"

License for Sample Available Upon Request

This track addresses the need for a “least of these” economic system in the United States. A “least of these” economic system is trickle-up economics, bottom-up economics, or demand side economics…and will benefit the poor, middle-class and rich. $2,000 in monthly United States federal government guaranteed universal basic income is addressed in the track, along with universal healthcare, federal student debt cancellation and other important topics. Visit for information about our proposal for $2,000 monthly United States universal basic income for all poor and middle-class United States citizens at least eighteen years of age.

Lyricist: Byron Goines
Producer: Byron Goines
Publisher: Byron Goines & Meshelle Goines / BGMG Productions

A Least of These Economic System Music Video (Infomercial)

"Learn About The Hood"

License for Sample Available Upon Request

“Learn About the Hood” is a hip-hop track that addresses the seriousness of economic life in the hood, as trickle-down has been used, and is still being used to benefit the rich to the detriment of poor and middle-class throughout the United States. This track encourages the United States to dispose trickle-down economics and replace it with trickle-up economics, which will benefit the poor, middle-class, and rich. Visit for information about our proposal for $2,000 monthly United States universal basic income for all poor and middle-class United States citizens at least eighteen years of age.

Lyricist: Byron Goines
Producer: Byron Goines
Publisher: Byron Goines & Meshelle Goines / BGMG Productions

"Universal Basic Income"

No Sample Used

“Universal Basic Income” USA is a hip-hop track that addresses the topic of United States universal basic income for the poor and middle-class. Visit for information about our proposal for $2,000 monthly United States universal basic income for all poor and middle-class United States citizens at least eighteen years of age.

“Universal Basic Income”
Lyricist: Byron Goines
Producer: Byron Goines
Publisher: Byron Goines & Meshelle Goines / BGMG Productions

"Capitalistic System"

License for Sample Available Upon Request

“Capitalistic System” is a track that deals with the results of capitalism. Visit for information about our proposal for $2,000 monthly United States universal basic income for all poor and middle-class United States citizens at least eighteen years of age.

“Capitalistic System”
Producer: Byron Goines
Lyricist: Byron Goines
Publisher: Byron Goines & Meshelle Goines / BGMG Productions

"End Poverty"

License for Sample Available Upon Request

“End Poverty” is a track that deals with the topic of effectively ending poverty in the United States. Visit for information about our proposal for $2,000 monthly United States universal basic income for all poor and middle-class United States citizens at least eighteen years of age.

“End Poverty”
Producer: Byron Goines
Lyricist: Byron Goines
Publisher: Byron Goines & Meshelle Goines / BGMG Productions

"Trickle-Up Economics"

No Sample Used

“Trickle-Up Economics” is a track that deals with the United States economic system and how to change it from a “trickle-down” rich folks economic system to a “trickle-up” poor and middle-class economic system. Visit for information about our proposal for $2,000 monthly United States universal basic income for all poor and middle-class United States citizens at least eighteen years of age.

“Trickle-Up Economics”
Producer: Byron Goines
Lyricist: Byron Goines
Publisher: Byron Goines & Meshelle Goines / BGMG Productions

"Election Comin' Up"

No Sample Used

“Election Comin’ Up” is a hip hop track that addresses all upcoming future elections throughout the future of the United States of America. It is time to vote out politicians who support trickle-down economics, because trickle-down economics benefit only the rich at the expense of the poor and middle-class. It is time to vote in politicians who support trickle-up economics, because trickle-up economics benefit the poor, middle-class and rich. It is time for a trickle-up economy in the United States. Trickle-up economics is also known as Demand-side economics and Bottom-up economics. Visit for information about our proposal for $2,000 monthly United States universal basic income for all poor and middle-class United States citizens at least eighteen years of age.

“Election Comin’ Up”
Producer: Byron Goines
Lyricist: Byron Goines
Publisher: Byron Goines & Meshelle Goines / BGMG Productions

"The Mission"

License for Sample Available Upon Request

“The Mission” is a hip-hop track that is 12 minutes 15 seconds in length. Together we can end poverty in the United States and globally. Visit for information about our proposal for $2,000 monthly United States universal basic income for all poor and middle-class United States citizens at least eighteen years of age.

The topics taught on this track are:

1. $2,000 in monthly United States federal government guaranteed universal basic income.
2. Bottom-up Economics.
3. The United States Economic System.
4. A $22 per hour federal minimum wage in the United States.
5. Employee Productivity in the United States.
6. Wiping out all federal student loan debt in the United States.
7. Paying all private student loan debt in the United States.
8. Free college all of the way through graduate degrees.
9. The Federal Reserve System of money creation out of thin air through computer keystrokes.
10. The United States federal government’s account with the Federal Reserve.
11. Paying off the United States federal deficit with Federal Reserve created money.
12. Using the Federal Reserve to fund new social programs for “the least of these” in the United States.
13. Visiting for more information about the Federal Reserve.
14. A universal healthcare system.
15. The United States hybrid economic system, consisting of socialism on the government-side and regulated capitalism on the private-side. NOTE: Corporations also enjoy socialism on the government side, as corporate welfare is a major part of United States socialism as “Too Big To Fail” and the “Corporate Bailouts” with taxpayer money and tax cuts for the rich has proven unequivocally. United States corporations benefit from United States socialism along with the citizens.
16. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “New Deal” and socialism.
17. The 1935 Social Security Act.
18. Aid to Families with Dependent Children.
19. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.
20. United States government-side socialism
21. “Laissez faire” capitalism does NOT exist in the United States.
22. “Free market capitalism does NOT exist in the United States.
23. “Regulated capitalism” DOES exist in the United States.
24. The Federal Trade Commission regulates capitalism in the United States.
25. The Securities and Exchange Commission regulates capitalism in the United States.
26. Starting a “least of these,” or in other words, a “poor and middle-class” economic system in the United States.
27. Ending the “trickle-down” economic system for the rich in the United States.